Birdathon 2021

The results of each of the teams who were in the field for our chapter’s 2021 Birdathon (May 7 through 10) have been submitted and compiled. All in all, 10 teams turned in their findings. The 8 teams searching seven local counties found a total of 150 species, while two additional teams birding farther afield in Nebraska, Iowa and Colorado found an additional 18 species for a grand total of 168 species. Thank you to all 15 participants for their time and effort.

Now, the critical portion of the project follows:

Each participant/team is requested to collect all their pledged donations and send them to me.

Each donor who pledged a donation is requested to forward it to your team or directly to me.  

Each additional person who would like to donate to the Chapter’s projects is asked to send an amount based on the number of species found or a flat amount of your choosing. Be sure to designate it as ‘Birdathon.’

Most importantly, the Chapter thanks all of you who have donated to Chapter projects and to those of you who considered such.

Bill Huser, LHAS Outings Coordinator & Birdathon Czar, 140 Oakmont Drive, South Sioux City, NE  68776. Telephone: 712-574-3107 or

Birdathon highlights include: Eared Grebe, Swainson’s Hawk, Sora, Piping Plover, Sanderling, Least Tern, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Pileated Woodpecker, Golden-winged Warbler, Northern Parula, Blackburnian Warbler, Lousiana Waterthrush, and Summer Tanager.

Canada Goose Double-crested Cormorant Brown Thrasher
Wood Duck American White Pelican European Starling
Blue-winged Teal Great Blue Heron House Sparrow
Northern Shoveler Great Egret American Pipet
Gadwall Cattle Egret House Finch
American Wigeon Black-crowned Night-Heron White-winged Crossbill
Mallard Yellow-crowned Night-Heron American Goldfinch
Green-winged Teal Turkey Vulture Grasshopper Sparrow
Ring-necked Duck Osprey Lark Sparrow
Lesser Scaup Northern Harrier Chipping Sparrow
Hooded Merganser Sharp-shinned Hawk Clay-colored Sparrow
Ruddy Duck Cooper's Hawk Field Sparrow
Wild Turkey Bald Eagle Dark-eyed Junco
Ring-necked Pheasant Broad-winged Hawk White-crowned Sparrow
Pied-billed Grebe Swanson's Hawk Harris's Sparrow
Eared Grebe Red-tailed Hawk White-throated Sparrow
Western Grebe Barred Owl Vesper Sparrow
Rock Pigeon Red-headed Woodpecker Savannah Sparrow
Eurasian Collared-Dove Red-bellied Woodpecker Song Sparrow
Mourning Dove Downy Woodpecker Lincoln's Sparrow
Eastern Whip-poor-will Hairy Woodpecker Swamp Sparrow
Chimney Swift Northern Flicker Spotted Towhee
Ruby-throated Hummingbird Pileated Woodpecker Eastern Towhee
Sora American Kestrel Yellow-headed Blackbird
American Coot Merlin Eastern Meadowlark
Black-necked Stilt Peregrine Falcon Western Meadowlark
American Avocet Great Crested Flycatcher Orchard Oriole
Black-bellied Plover Eastern Kingbird Baltimore Oriole
Killdeer Willow Flycatcher Red-winged Blackbird
Semipalmated Plover Least Flycatcher Brown-headed Cowbird
Piping Plover Eastern Phoebe Common Grackle
Hudsonian Godwit Warbling Vireo Great-tailed Grackle
Ruddy Turnstone Red-eyed Viro Ovenbird
Sanderling Blue Jay Louisiana Waterthrush
Dunlin Black-billed Magpie Northern Waterthrush
Baird's Sandpiper American Crow Golden-winged Warbler
Least Sandpiper Fish Crow Black-and-White Warbler
White-rumped Sandpiper Horned Lark Tennessee Warbler
Pectoral Sandpiper Bank Swallow Orange-crowned Warbler
Semipalmated Sandpiper Tree Swallow Nashville Warbler
Short-billed Dowitcher Violet-green Swallow Mourning Warbler
Long-billed Dowitcher Northern Rough-winged Swallow Common Yellowthroat
Wilson's Snipe Purple Martin American Redstart
Spotted Sandpiper Barn Swallow Northern Parula
Solitary Sandpiper Cliff Swallow Blackburnian Warbler
Lesser Yellowlegs Black-capped Chickadee Yellow Warbler
Willet Tufted Titmouse Blackpoll Warbler
Greater Yellowlegs White-breasted Nuthatch Palm Warbler
Bonaparte's Gull House Wren Pine Warbler
Franklin's Gull Ruby-crowned Kinglet Yellow-rumped Warbler
Ring-billed Gull Eastern Bluebird Summer Tanager
Least Tern Gray-cheeked Thrush Scarlet Tanager
Caspian Tern Swanson's Thrush Northern Cardinal
Black Tern Wood Thrush Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Common Tern American Robin Indigo Bunting
Forster's Tern Gray Catbird Dickcissel