lhas bird hotline saturday, 31 december 2022
What a great day to count birds. We had our count today with 19 great viewers. Our count might change a bit but at this time 44 species of birds and total bird numbers are 2,125 birds. With ponds mostly all frozen over, duck numbers were low.
Some good finds include: 15 bald eagles, two screech owls, three Great Horned Owls, one Barred Owl (photo, below), eight Long-eared Owls, two Belted Kingfishers, six Kestrel, 450 Lapland Longspur, and three Red Crossbills. Count Week birds were quail and two Barred Owl pair.
Biggest miss today no Saw-whet Owls.
Don P., Ida Grove, IA
Blue Jay and Barred Owl image copyright 2022 Jerry L. Mennenga, used with permission.
Dixon County, NE
I am listing some of my sightings recently:
Eastern Towhee, male - he’s been coming to my feeders since November 25th
Harris’s Sparrow - a single bird coming to the feeders the past two weeks
Northern Flicker, red-shafted male- not seen every day but comes to feed on black oil and suet
Snow Bunting - a flock of about 50 birds on December 31st at the intersection of 581 Ave and 860 Rd. Distinctive with their black and white wings when in flight. A non-mixed flock
Jan J., Dixon County
lhas bird hotline thursday, 22 december 2022
The Yankton Christmas Bird Count (CBC) took place on Sunday, December 18, 2022. Thirty-two people, from teenagers to seniors, from Yankton, Vermillion, & Sioux Falls, South Dakota; and South Sioux City, Norfolk, & Wayne, Nebraska enjoyed a cold but sunny day to be out counting birds. A total of 16,351 birds of 79 different species of birds which is better than the 78 species seen last year but not quite as high as the 82 species record set in 2012 and recorded again in 2020.
Highlights of the day: Yellow-headed Blackbirds were observed for the first time ever on the Yankton CBC. Tundra Swan observed for just the second time ever. Record high counts: Tundra Swan-2; Northern Shoveler-11; Lesser Scaup-500; Greater Prairie-Chicken-12; Sharp Shinned Hawk-7; Eastern Screech-Owl-13; Long-eared Owl-2; Northern Saw-whet Owl-2; Red-breasted Nuthatch-20; Red-winged Blackbird-6,302; and Yellow-headed Blackbird-100.
Two additional species that we did not find on Sunday but were observed for “Count Week” (three days before and three days after our Sunday count day): Wood Duck & Harris's Sparrow. Species expected to be found that were missed this year include Cooper’s Hawk, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Hermit Thrush, Great Blue Heron, Lapland Longspur, and Snow Bunting.
Note: a full list will be available on this website (use button below).
Roger Dietrich, compiler, Yankton, SD, email: 1947rogerd@gmail.com
Image web site: https://www.flickr.com/photos/yanktonbirds/
lhas bird hotline wednesday, 21 december 2022
In my backyard yesterday, constant ravenous eating by birds.
A Northern Harrier - 1 - flew through my backyard and headed west. It was a male, white underwing with black wing tips.
Dark-eyed Junco, Oregon variant- 1
Marla K., Sioux City, IA
The bluebirds were scarce during the CBC but, we did see three bluebirds at our place today (Highway 141). Five Eastern Bluebirds eventually visited our bird bath.
Sharon P., rural Smithland, IA
lhas bird hotline saturday, 17 december 2022
Sioux City Christmas Bird Count highlights:
Hermit Thrush, 1
Merlin, 3, in 3 locations
Red-headed Woodpecker, 14, at Stone Park's Pammel Valley
Brewer's Blackbird, 1, within a flock of 500 Red-winged Blackbirds
Brown-headed Cowbird, 7, in two locations
White-crowned Sparrow, 5, in 3 locations
Barred Owl, 1
Harris's Sparrow, 1
14 species of waterfowl lingering at Snyder's Bend.
Thanks to the many participants finding these birds and the more common ones.
Bill Huser, LHAS Hotline editor.
Christmas Bird Count at Stone Park
We hiked down to Turtle Lake in Stone Park. The road was icy, and the trails were worse. We took the road. We saw a Barred Owl and the Hermit Thrush (photos below) partway down the road. I didn’t see or even hear the Pileated Woodpecker. That was a bummer. Maybe next time!
Marla & Kevin K., Sioux City, IA
Below images copyright 2022 by Marla and Kevin Kerr, used with permission
lhas bird hotline thursday, 15 december 2022
Westfield Christmas Bird Count Highlights:
Snow Bunting, 9, (left and middle images) with Lapland Longspurs
Lapland Longspurs, (right image) hundreds, in different locations
15 Waterfowl species in Everist gravel pits.
Bob L., North Sioux City, SD Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Below images copyright 2022 by William F. Huser, used with permission
lhas bird hotline wednesday, 14 december 2022
Ponca State Park Christmas Bird Count Circle:
Bohemian Waxwing, 4, with over 100 Cedar Waxwings
Northern Shrike, 5
Golden Eagle, 1 juv.
Ross's Goose, 1
Sharp-shinned Hawk, 1
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Tentative total: 55 species
Jeff Fields, Scott Oligmuller, Brady, Keith, Kent, Bob Hanson, Jim Arends, Jerry Probst, Warren Dunkel, Jerry VonEhwegen, Jan Null, Marla & Kevin Kerr, Bill Huser and Tucker Lutter
lhas bird hotline sunday, 4 december 2022
Stone State Park
I decided to walk to Pammel Valley and Turtle Lake this morning. I was on the road and a little above the T-intersection that branches left to Wahkaw Shelter and right to Pammel Valley. I stopped because I heard a Flicker and ... something that sounded like a chuckling noise. I started Merlin Sound ID and Northern Flicker, Hairy Woodpecker, and Pileated Woodpecker all came up and all alternated in flashing yellow.
I shut down Merlin and moved to eBird to document this. The flicker and the Hairy stopped but I could still hear the chuckling to the south of my position. I re-fired Merlin Sound ID and Pileated Woodpecker was the only thing to pop up and the application was flickering yellow in time to the calls I was hearing. I could not tell if more than one bird was present or not.
Red-headed Woodpeckers remained near Turtle Lake and I saw and heard several more along the road as I came up out of the valley and back to the parking lot to return home.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
lhas bird hotline saturday, 3 december 2022
Early this morning, I was awakened by the calling of 2 Great Horned Owls. Went outside, saw one in a tree. Shortly after that, took a walk to the end of West 4th, and heard them down in the forest area where they traveled West.
Marla K., Sioux City, IA
lhas bird hotline friday, 2 december 2022
I had a Carolina Wren briefly at my feeders today. When I submitted to eBird, it showed as “unreported.” The last time I documented this species at my house on eBird was August 26 (per last sighting of species in eBird species list). I was very surprised to see it today, and it moved away before I could get my camera.
Marla K., Sioux City, IA
Long-tailed Duck image copyright 2022 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
lhas bird hotline wednesday, 30 november 2022
Kramper Lake, Dakota County, NE
Long-tailed Duck, 1 winter female. Seen in the company of other ducks present, Redheads, Canvasbacks, Lesser Scaup, Common Goldeneyes. The lake is partly frozen, limiting the remaining ducks' movements.
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Long-tailed Duck image copyright 2022 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
lhas bird hotline sunday, 27 november 2022
Stone Park--West Entrance:
Several Red-headed Woodpeckers
Roads are closed for winter so it was a nice walk on the quiet road with just the sounds of the birds and good views through the leafless trees on a calm afternoon.
Jerry V., Sioux City, IA
lhas bird hotline saturday, 26 november 2022
Kramper Lake, Dakota County, NE:
American Black Duck, 1 with hundreds of Mallards
Found Friday by Sam Manning of Omaha. It could not be located later in the day but was found Saturday morning and seen by 4 observers. This mallard relative, usually found east of the Mississippi River, has become an increasingly rare vagrant here. It is identified by dark brown plumage, a greenish, unmarked bill, a violet speculum and lack of white on tail and wing.
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Below images copyright 2022 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
lhas bird hotline friday, 25 november 2022
Chris Larsen Park
A Black Friday bicycle ride along the Riverfront Trail had quite a few geese along the Missouri and Big Sioux Rivers. Most interesting sightings were this Red-tailed Hawk and American Kestrel on different light poles near the Veterans Memorial Bridge.
Randy W. Sioux City, IA
Below images copyright 2022 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
lhas bird hotline tuesday, 22 november 2022
Bacon Creek, Sioux City, IA:
Mid afternoon at Bacon Creek Park below the 3rd parking lot. Saw a bird fly across the lake from east to west and land on the shoreline. It worked its way along the shoreline from north to south in bright sunlight and it was a Wilson's Snipe. I continued my walk and when I returned there was an Opossum foraging along the trail in the grass so I detoured up the steep hill. The last time I tried to scare a Possum away from my house it ended up in my garage so I decided not to mess with this one!
Jerry V., Sioux City, IA
lhas bird hotline monday, 21 november 2022
Spent the morning in Ida Grove. It was fun and nice to have a cooperative subject. Saw a bald eagle near the Little Sioux River at Correctionville but it flew off and wasn't cooperative. Saw an immature eagle along the Maple River at Moorehead Park, but it left too as I was bringing the lens up. The bums! But the barred owl (top row, left and middle) stayed put as did the little Northern Saw-whet Owl (all other images).
Jerry M., Sioux City, IA.
See more of Jerry’s work at:
Note: The Sioux City Camera Club participatged in a bird photography workshop with Don Poggensee on Saturday, 19 November. Have a look at their gallery of images from this workshop at: https://www.siouxcitycameraclub.com/p654603384
All below images copyright 2022 by Jerry L. Mennenga, used with permission.
Yes, it was a Three Owl Day today in Moorehead Park, Ida County. From left: Barred, Long-eared, Long-eared, Northern Saw-whet.
Don P., Ida Grove, IA
All below images copyright 2022 by Don Poggensee, used with permission.
lhas bird hotline sunday, 20 november 2022
Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center:
Tufted Titmouse
Todd W., Sioux City, IA
Below photos copyright 2022 by Todd Wheelock, used with permission.
Northern Shrike image copyright 2022 by Jon Nylen, used with permission.
lhas bird hotline friday, 18 november 2022
Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center:
Tufted Titmouse at Dorothy Pecaut bird feeders about 11AM.
Todd W., Sioux City, IA
Tufted Titmouse image copyright 2022 by Todd Wheelock, used with permission.
lhas bird hotline sunday, 13 november 2022
Kramper Lake, Dakota County, NE:
Barrow's Goldeneye, 1 male
Teri Dolezal located this rare western migrant.
lhas bird hotline saturday, 12 november 2022
I had an entertaining afternoon. I was watching birds at my feeders, as part of Project Feederwatch, around noon today when a small Sharp-shinned Hawk (top and bottom row, right and middle images) landed in a tree near the feeders. The birds disappeared except for a chickadee who was frozen in place like a statue. The smaller hawk was immediately followed by a Red-tailed Hawk (top row, right). They were aware of each other's presence - each flew over the other hawk at one point. After a few minutes, the Red-tailed flew into the wooded area and onto the ground, out of sight. The Sharp-shinned Hawk flew to another tree in the backyard, and was harassed by a Blue Jay (bottom row, right) who sounded the alarm in the same tree and then flew over and grabbed a peanut from a feeder while sounding the alarm again. Since the Blue Jay was eating a peanut, a few Downy Woodpeckers decided to go back to eating. After a bit, I needed to leave the room to check on what I was cooking, and when I came back to check on the situation, the hawk had left the area where he had been perched. I am not sure if anyone was lunch.
Marla K., Sioux City, IA
All below images copyright 2022 by Marla Kerr, used with permission.
lhas bird hotline wednesday, 9 november 2022
Today we had an American Woodcock flush in medium high grass in the north area of Moorhead Park, and on my return we had another one flush in the south area of the park.
Don P., Ida Grove, IA
I saw 3 Trumpeter Swans in a stubble field about a mile east of Smithland between 2:30 and 3:00 today.
John P., Woodbury County, IA
lhas bird hotline tuesday, 8 november 2022
On 11-8, I had the first American Tree Sparrow in the yard.
Jan J., near Wakefield, Dixon County, NE
On 11-8, a Red-breasted Nuthatch appeared at our feeder.
John P., Woodbury County, IA
lhas bird hotline monday, 7 november 2022
Brown's Lake, Woodbury County, IA:
Long-tailed Duck, 1 winter plumage female/immature.
Mark Haindfield photographed this bird with a flock of Redheads and Lesser Scaup and only saw and identified the bird later when viewing his images.
lhas bird hotline sunday, 6 november 2022
While Bill was walking along the creek behind our barn this morning, an American Woodcock flew up out of the thick grass above the creek!
Bill & Dotty Z., Westfield, IA
On 11-6 I had a single Pine Siskin come to the feeder. He didn’t stick around.
Jan J., near Wakefield, Dixon County, NE
lhas bird hotline friday, 4 november 2022
Crystal Cove Park, South Sioux City, NE
Great Egret, 2 late migrants
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Great Egret image copyright 2022 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline wednesday, 2 november 2022
Stone State Park
Morning and evening sightings of a Pileated Woodpecker at Turtle Lake (morning) and in Pammel Valley (evening).
Randy W. (AM) and Marla & Kevin K. (PM), Sioux City, IA
Pileated Woodpecker image copyright 2022 by Kevin Kerr, used with permission.
Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center
Tufted Titmouse first seen near the west end of the pollinator garden. Bird flew north across the parking lot and behind the garage and could not be relocated.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
House Finch Color Variant
I had read that some male House Finch can have a yellow color (two photos on left, below) instead of the red coloration. I had not noticed one until today when I saw one at my feeder.
I found this information: https://feederwatch.org/color_variant/yellow-house-finches/
I added a few photos of the bird I saw. In addition, I have a few Harris's Sparrows (two photos on right, below) in my yard. They seem to enjoy a bath almost as much as a Robin.
Comment by Bill H.: I have only had one real yellow House Finch come to my feeders, but have had more yellowish-reddish ones. Plumage color in House, Purple and Cassin's Finches is caused by 13 different carotenoid pigments which vary in proportion from bird to bird and from region to region. In varies also by speed of growth of the individual feathers.
Marla and Kevin K., Sioux City, IA
All below images copyright 2022 by Marla & Kevin Kerr, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline tuesday, 1 november 2022
Luton, IA
Northern Goshawk, 1 immature; chasing and catching a male Ring-necked Pheasant. First of Season (FOS) and First of Year (FOY).
Northern Goshawk image copyright 2022 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
The Square
Smith's Longspur, a minimum of 15; FOS & FOY. Three small flocks of sparrow-sized birds flushed from short grass with exposed bare soil. They rose into the air in stair-step, ascending flight, typical of Longspurs, while giving the characteristic monotone dry rattle of Smith's Longspurs. (Confirmed in the field by audio recordings.). Plumage characters included boldly contrasting white outer tail feathers, buffy underparts, and white wing flash on the dorsal wing (seen on one bird).
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
LHAS bird hotline sunday, 30 october 2022
A Pileated Woodpecker captured at Dorothy Pecaut at the lower parking lot at 11:00 am Sunday!!
Todd W., Sioux City, IA
Pileated Woodpecker image copyright 2022 by Todd Wheelock, used with permission.
A photo shot through our great room window of what appears to be a leucistic House Finch taken on 10/30/2022 underneath our feeders.
Jon N., Plymouth County, IA
Leucistic House Finch image copyright 2022 by Jon Nylen, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline saturday, 29 october 2022
Lewis & Clark Lake, Knox County, NE
Surf Scoter, 10 female/immature
White-winged Scoter, 1 adult, 1 female/immature (left image, below)
Black Scoter, 2 female/immature
Red-necked Grebe, 1 basic plumage (middle image, below)
Horned Grebe, 12 basic
Common Loon, 3 basic (right image, below)
Heard only: Lapland Longspur, American Pipit
Mark B., Creighton, NE; Ed B., Wayne, NE; Jerry P., & Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
All images below copyright 2022 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline thursday, 27 october 2022
South Sioux City, Dakota County, NE
Cooper's Hawk, 1 adult male
Spotted Towhee, 1 male (Note that there are small white spots at base of primaries, perhaps enough to indicate some Eastern Towhee genes.)
Rich H., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Below images copyright 2022 by Rich Huser (photographed the hawk with his phone) and Williams F. Huser, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline wednesday, 26 october 2022
Stone State Park:
Todd W., Sioux City, IA
Kramper Lake, Dakota County, NE
Surf Scoter, 1 immature male, 1 immature female; First Of Season (FOS)
Long-billed Dowitcher, 1 basic
Blue-winged Teal, 2, late
plus a smattering of puddle ducks and shorebirds.
Paul R., Sioux City, IA, Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
All below images copyright 2022 by the respective photographer, used with permission.
William F. Huser - top row images
Paul Roisen - middle and bottom row images
Fox Sparrow image copyright 2022 by Todd Wheelock, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline tuesday, 25 october 2022
Stone State Park:
Tufted Titmouse, 1 (Rare this far north, but perhaps same bird as seen here last Spring. - Bill H., hotline editor)
Todd W., Sioux City, IA
Tufted Titmouse image copyright 2022 by Todd Wheelock, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline tuesday, 18 october 2022
Kramper Lake Highlights:
Long-billed Dowitcher, 1 in basic plumage (photo on left)
American Pipit, 73 counted, probably many more (middle photo)
Le Conte's Sparrow, 3 (photo on right)
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Below photos copyright 2022 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline sunday, 16 october 2022
A morning walk from Pammel Valley to Turtle Lake revealed numerous birds, particularly American Robins and Yellow-rumped Warblers! Highlights of the walk include: Pileated Woodpecker, 1, calling and in flight over the trail; Swamp Sparrow; Eastern Bluebird; Eastern Towhee (no spots, white patch at base of primaries, see report from the Marla and Kevin, below); and many Red-headed Woodpeckers.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
LHAS bird hotline friday, 14 october 2022
This White-throated Sparrow was photographed at Hitchcock (near Honey Creek) while on the Fox Run Ridge trail.
My husband Lawrence and I had decided to spend 2 days at Hitchcock for our 39th wedding anniversary. We had only been in the Loess Hills one other time (last year). We hiked a majority of the trails at Hitchcock. Within those two days, we saw Chickadee, Blue Jays, one male Cardinal, White-breasted Nuthatch, Downy Woodpecker, Turkey Vultures, Eastern Phoebe...and others. I make bird calendars and am certain regarding the identity of them. I post a lot of nature photos (birds, animals, or scenery) on Facebook at Nature Photography & Scripture for those that like the combination.
If you publish this, please let people know there is a copyright for further copying, but I don't mind you publishing this on your website.
Note: This image and background story was graciously offered to Loess Hills Audubon by Ella and Lawrence Hall.
Ella H., Granger, IA
White-throated Sparrow image copyright 2022 by Ella Hall, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline monday, 10 october 2022
Towards evening on October 10, Kevin and I went birding in the area around Turtle Lake and Pammel Valley at Stone State Park. We saw a Pileated Woodpecker briefly fly across the area to the other side of the trail and disappear from sight. When it was no longer in sight, it called loudly several times.
We also saw a Towhee in the brambles in the swampy area. The bird was briefly in the path and then on a dead branch, so we were able to photograph clearly. After reviewing the photographs and comparing with the descriptions in a Sibley guide (pages 508 and 509), I thought that the bird was a Spotted Towhee. Bill Huser studied the Towhee photos and agreed with the ID of Spotted Towhee. I received good advice from Bill, who reminded me to also check for the absence of a primary bar, because there are hybrid Eastern x Spotted Towhees in the area to be considered in determining the ID.
Marla and Kevin K., Sioux City, IA
Below images copyright 2022 by Marla & Kevin Kerr, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline sunday, 9 october 2022
An early morning bike ride around the trails at Adams Homestead revealed 28 species. Personal highlights included: Bald Eagle, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, an acrobatic Le Conte’s Sparrow (three images, below), and a Lincoln’s Sparrow (image on right, below).
Randy W., Sioux City , IA
All below images copyright 2022 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline tuesday, 4 october 2022
Jackson Wastewater Treatment Lagoons:
Mute Swan, 1 (Same individual returning for the 3rd Fall?) FOS
Eared Grebe, 1 winter plumage FOS
Ring-necked Duck, 1 immature FOS
Sora, 1 immature
Blue-winged Teal
Green-winged Teal
American Wigeon
Northern Pintail
Northern Shoveler, 1
Wood Duck
Savannah Sparrow
Kramper Lake:
Savannah Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
Harris's Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow
Field Sparrow
Lincoln's Sparrow
Nashville Warbler, 1
Common Yellowthroat
Marsh Wren, 1
House Wren
Jerry P. and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE:
LHAS bird hotline wednesday, 28 september 2022
Kramper Lake
American Golden Plover, 1 in winter plumage, above images copyright 2022 by Williams F. Huser, used with permission.
Ibis species, 1
American Pipit, 4, First Of Season (FOS)
Dowitcher species, 6
LeConte's Sparrow, 1 (FOS)
American White Pelican, 22
Pectoral Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper
Swamp Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Field Sparrow
Lincoln's Sparrows
Blue-winged Teal
Green-winged Teal
American Wigeon
Northern Pintail
Note: Almost all of these were seen by walking the shoreline of the southernmost pond, across 200th Street from the main lake.
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Bacon Creek, Sioux City, IA
A morning walk around Bacon Creek proved to be a good day of birding. Personal highlights include: Blue-winged Teal, Chimney Swift (6), American Coot (1), Ruby-crowned Kinglet (8), American Robin (100+), Harris’s Sparrow (10), White-throated Sparrow (11), Eastern Towhee (2), Orange-crowned Warbler, Nashville Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warbler.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
LHAS bird hotline monday, 26 september 2022
Crystal Cove, South Sioux City, NE
Many of our common migrants were present at Crystal Cove. Most were in dogwood thickets and the nearby weedy rock fishing jetty at the north end. They included:
Nashville Warbler, 10
Orange-crowned Warbler, 4
Yellow-rumped Warbler, approximately 30
Lincoln's Sparrow, at least 12
White-throated Sparrow, 3
Clay-colored Sparrow, 2
Northern Flicker, at least 10, including one red-shafted individual
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 1
Double-crested Cormorant, 1
Amerocam Robins, approx. 100
Brown Thrasher, 1
House Wren, 2
Song Sparrow, 1
Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Riverfront Trail, Sioux City IA
On Monday, 9/26 I bicycled from Chatauqua Park to the Adams Homestead VC and back. Did not start an eBird list; most of what I saw and heard was typical with these two exceptions.
I had my break at the Adams VC and was starting my return trip when I noticed a large white bird against the sky and clouds over Mud Lake. The bird turned and almost flew over me. A Great Egret.
On the return I stopped on the hike/bike bridge across the channelized Floyd River and spotted a Green Heron. I have seen them as well as Great Blue Herons in this area.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
Below images copyright 2022 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline sunday, 25 september 2022
On 9/25 I saw my first Harris’s Sparrow here at home. This morning there were at least a half dozen. Also, two days ago 3 White-throated Sparrows. This morning 2 immature White-crowned Sparrows. There are at least two dozen Lincoln’s Sparrows around.
9-25: A single Barn Swallow
9-26: Screech Owl -first I’ve seen him since the young fledged the end of June
Yellow-rumped Warblers
Clay-colored Sparrows
Blue Jay -17 flew over when I was outside
Ruby-crowned Kinglet -2
Downy Woodpecker
Red-bellied Woodpecker
House Wren - 2
Jan J., rural Wakefield, NE
LHAS bird hotline saturday, 24 september 2022
An early morning walk around Bacon Creek provided some good birding. My highlights include: Pied-billed Grebe, Green Heron, a couple of Empidonax flycatchers, Blue-headed Vireo, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and Lincoln’s Sparrow.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
Green Heron image copyright 2022 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline saturday, 3 september 2022
I saw a Red-breasted Nuthatch in the tree in my front yard today. I wasn’t sure if anyone had seen one recently, so I thought I’d let you know. We have a few that arrive and stay the Winter in the neighborhood.
Marla K., Sioux City, IA
LHAS bird hotline friday, 2 september 2022
Stone State Park
Here are a few photos from my birding walk in Stone Park this morning, Pammel Valley area and around Turtle Lake. I had the place to myself for most of the time except for a lone fisherman on a fishing boat.
Top row, from left: Gray Catbird, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, House Wren
Bottom row, from left: Great Blue Heron and Turtle Lake (two images).
Marla K., Sioux City, IA
All below photos copyright 2022 by Marla Kerr, used with permission.
Riverfront Trail System, Sioux City
A bicycle ride from Chatauqua Park to North Sioux City and back provided some interesting birds.
Top row, from left: Adult and immature Bald Eagles (2 images), immature Bald Eagle, Turkey Vulture
Bottom row, from left: Second immature Bald Eagle with 4 Turkey Vultures, Great Blue Heron, two Green Herons in the channelized Floyd River
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
All below photos copyright 2022 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline wednesday, 31 august 2022
Kramper Lake, Dakota County, NE
Ibis species, 2 juveniles, unidentifiable to species.
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
LHAS bird hotline tuesday, 30 august 2022
Crystal Cove Park, South Sioux City, NE
Wilson's Warbler, 1 male
Private Pond near Sandhill Lake
Bill H., South Sioux City, NE, Hotline moderator
LHAS bird hotline friday, 26 august 2022
Luton Wildlife Management Area.
Below videos copyright 2022 by Jan Null, used with permission
Northern Bobwhite calling at 4 second and 16 second time points
LHAS bird hotline wednesday, 24 august 2022
Siouxland Sod Farm, Dakota County, NE
First time birding this new sod farm. A welcome addition to Dakota County birding sites since the only other known local sod farm (in Iowa) has been converted to corn.
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Bacon Creek Park, Sioux City, IA
Apparently I overlapped visits to Bacon Creek on two consecutive days with other LHAS members. On Tuesday, 8/23 I overlapped with Rex R. and on Wednesday, 8/24 I overlapped with Bill H. and Jerry P. I discovered the overlaps when I posted photos to eBird.
Tuesday highlights included: Spotted Sandpiper (far left photo), Green Heron, Cooper’s Hawk, Yellow-throated Vireo, Field Sparrow, Cedar Waxwing, American Redstart.
Wednesday highlights included: Spotted Sandpiper, Green Heron (second from left), Great Crested Flycatcher, Gray Catbird (third from left), Brown Thrasher (far right photo), Common Nighthawk.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
Below images copyright 2022 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline tuesday, 23 august 2022
Surprise for some Nodland Kindergartners! Mrs. Stephens class had a Barn Swallow nest outside their window and they fledged on the first day of school!
Below photos and video copyright 2022 by Jan Null, used with permission.
Barn Swallows on nest
Nest watching at Nodland
Flight school
Two point landing
LHAS bird hotline monday, 22 august 2022
Stone State Park, Woodbury County, IA
Golden-winged Warbler, 1 male
Palm Warbler, 1
Nashville Warbler, approx. 10
American Redstart, 4
Yellow Warbler, 1
plus two unidentified warbler species
Red-shouldered Hawk, 1 Soaring with 2 Broad-winged Hawks
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
LHAS bird hotline saturday, 20 august 2022
Did some birding along eastern Woodbury & Plymouth Co gravel roads late this morning: saw 18 red-headed woodpeckers (adults & juvies), including 9 along a one-mile stretch of gravel (Emmett Avenue, north of D-12).
On C-70, one mile west of Iowa 140, one blindingly white bird was on the powerline. As I slowly drove by I thought it was a mourning dove. Uie-ing back around, binoculars clarified that it was a Eurasian collared dove, with the black bar on the back of its neck. It's really hard to "sneak" up on birds in our big Silverado, & even hard to focus my cell-phone for a picture. By the time I was all set, the dove had flown the coop to the west. I'll keep trying...
- Kristy M., Kingsley IA
LHAS bird hotline wednesday, 17 august 2022
I got to record a Rufous Hummingbird on the east side of Big Spirit Lake yesterday. This hummer is usually found in Arizona west to California and up the west coast into Canada. Now and then, one shows up here in Iowa.
This is a male and one of the most colorful of the various hummers.
Don P., Wind Rider Image, Images for Publications since 1979, Ida Grove, Iowa
All below images copyright 2022 by Don Poggensee, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline friday, 5 august 2022
Bacon Creek Park, Sioux City
A morning walk around Bacon Creek today revealed 27 species. Highlights include singing Red-eyed and Yellow-throated Vireos, a Belted Kingfisher, and the three species photographted below: Green Heron, Great Blue Heron, and Solitary Sandpiper. I was pushing the zoom on my Canon SX740 to 160x causing the solitary sandpiper images to pixelate more than what I wanted.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
All below images copyright 2022 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline monday, 1 august 2022
Cooper's Hawk Family Of 4 at Graceland Cemetery, Sioux City, IA.
Was leaving Graceland Cemetery at the south end (around 6:30 P.M.) and spotted 4 Cooper's Hawks interacting together on the ground. Appeared to be 2 adults and 2 juveniles. They were running in and out of the bushes and then flew up into the trees and were hopping around. Then 2 of them flew into trees above our cars and they were making high whistling sounds. Did some checking on the internet and found that juvenile Cooper's make high whistling sounds described as: a whistling 'eee-eew-eee-eew' sound. The Cornell Lab has a recorded juvenile call that sounds exactly like what we heard. Jan arrived too late to get a picture of the 4 together but did manage to get a picture of one on the ground and one in the tree above us.
Jerry V. and Jan N., Sioux City, IA
Below images copyright 2022 by Jan Null, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline saturday, 30 july 2022
Found on our prairie- SW Plymouth County last week!!
Leesa M., Plymouth County, IA
Dickcissel image copyright 2022 by Leesa McNeil, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline thursday, 28 july 2022
Salix Farms Dairy, 280th St., Woodbury County, IA
Mark H.
LHAS bird hotline wednesday, 27 july 2022
A lovely day to go out "bird-stalking," which is what my hubby says I do. Mulberry trees are great attractors for birds, too--including redheaded woodpeckers (both adults & juvies).
Along with some of the 'usual & customary' birds of summer, some of my finds that made me happier are
blue grosbeak males (2, 2 different places)
cedar waxwing
warbling vireo
furtive rose-breasted grosbeaks.
I thought orchard orioles were vamoose, but one adult male was dining in a mulberry, & that made my day. But not as much as the eastern towhee--singing behind the pickup so I couldn't see him. I had reception in SE Wildwood Park, so tried playing songs & calls. The bird sound shifted to in front of me, actually 10 ft straight above the pickup, a very intrigued male towhee trying to figure out whom his competition was. I felt kinda mean taunting him, so quit playing the calls & still got some very good looks.
Happy birding, all you all!
-Kristy, Plymouth Co
Limpkin image copyright 2022 by Don Poggensee, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline saturday, 23 july 2022
I got up early and drove to Storm Lake to record the rare Limpkin that was across the road to the west of Storm Lake. The Limpkin can be found in Florida and most of South America all the way down to Argentina. There has been only a few records here in Iowa. I took a series of images of the Limpkin about 6:45 AM this morning.
This bird has been feeding near the overflow that is just to the west of Storm Lake. A short walk along the dike take to get close to the feeding area, on little Storm Lake.
Don P., Ida Grove, IA
Limpkin image copyright 2022 by Don Poggensee, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline wednesday, 20 july 2022
Jan N. was working on her photos from the LHAS outing on Saturday, 16 July when she found this visitor on her deck.
Great Blue Heron image copyright 2022 by Jan Null, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline thursday, 7 july 2022
Two Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks (see below for image of this duck from the Yankton area) were seen by Jane and me on our 8:00 PM walk (July 7) at Prairie Ponds Park. Pink bills, brown backs, thin white stripe along the sides dividing the black belly from the brown back, and pink legs were definitive.
Ed & Jane S., Sioux City, IA
LHAS bird hotline wednesday, 6 july 2022
Northern Bobwhite continue calling south of Sioux City according to a July 3 report from Randy W. during a bicycle ride along Old Highway 141 and a July 6 report from Carol B. in the Bronson area.
Below photos copyright 2022 by Carol Blair, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline tuesday, 28 june 2022
On my birding walk this morning on the trails behind the Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center I heard the Yellow-billed Cuckoo several times. It sounded really close at one point and I looked up and saw him in the trees! A real treat - the 2nd time that I have observed a Cuckoo at DPNC this summer. I managed to take a couple of photos. I am also including a photo of a mama deer that was surprised to see me (I decided to take a different path). She had twins - another fawn was to the left of the trail.
Marla K., Sioux City, IA
Below photos copyright 2022 by Marla Kerr, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline friday, 24 june 2022
Swung through Snyder's Bend and was surprised and glad to see quite a bit of water in a formerly dry lake bed.
Was also surprised to see a Western Kingbird hawking insects from a small tree at the end of the boat ramp.
Jerry V., Sioux City, IA
LHAS bird hotline wednesday, 22 june 2022
Kevin and I saw this Hairy Woodpecker at our Feeders at the end of May. He had a lot of brown where there are normally white feathers. I had not seen one with this coloring before. We do have a red-bellied woodpecker who has visited us for a few years who is quite gray (instead of bright white). I wondered what your thoughts were on why this Hairy Woodpecker has this brown colorization? I wondered if his feathers were somehow stained by something or were just brown?
Further research by Marla found: https://web.colby.edu/mainebirds/2012/10/21/albinism-and-other-feather-oddities/ and https://feederwatch.org/unusual-bird/brown-hairy-woodpecker/. Although the latter link better illustrates why the back of their bird is brown and not why the front of the Sioux City bird is brown. Marla also notes: Kaufman guide says some Hairy “have darker chest or less spotting on wings.”
Marla & Kevin K., Sioux City, IA
Reply by Bill H.: Interesting bird. I have never noticed such coloration in Hairy or Downy Woodpeckers. The attached (https://web.colby.edu/mainebirds/2012/10/21/albinism-and-other-feather-oddities/) is a good read, but it stops well short of explaining your bird or his pictured bird. It does better on explaining albinism but fails to even mention the far more common leucocistic plumages.
All below images copyright 2022 by Marla Kerr, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline saturday, 18 june 2022
West of Yankton at small marsh NW of intersection of SD-50 & SD-52.
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, 1 - Found by other birders.
Bill H. and Regie B., South Sioux City, NE
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck photo copyright 2022 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
Adams Homestead and Nature Preserve, McCook Lake, SD
American Woodcock discovered on the Cottonwood Crossing trail section during an early morning bike ride.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
Below photos copyright 2022 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline thursday, 9 june 2022
Badger Lake WMA, east of I-29:
Cattle Egret, 1 foraging amongst cattle
American White Pelicans, 15 overflight only
Buckeye Ave Tower:
Osprey, pair on nest atop tower.
Badger Lake WMA, west of I-29:
Black Tern, 20
Northern Bobwhite, 2 singing males
Blue Grosbeak, 1
Note: water levels at all locations at historic lows. Many additional Semi-palmated and White-rumped Sandpipers
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
LHAS bird hotline wednesday, 8 june 2022
Saw a pair of Bobwhite Quail saunter past the feeders to the side of the house today. Haven't seen any since winter before last so really glad there are still a couple in the area. Hadn't heard them call either until yesterday.
Carol B., near Bronson, IA
LHAS bird hotline monday, 6 june 2022
Thursday, June 2; Floyd River Floodway:
Friday, June 3; Sylvan Runkel State Preserve, Monona County, IA:
Friday, June 3; Owego Wetlands:
Saturday/Sunday, June 4-5; Sylvan Runkel State Preserve:
American Bittern
Pileated Woodpecker
Louisiana Waterthrush
Sunday, June 5; Logan Park Cemetery, Sioux City, IA:
Monday, June 6; Owego Wetlands:
Great Egret, 2
Upland Sandpiper
Willow Flycatcher, 5
Sedge Wren, 2
Marsh Wren
Blue Grosbeak
Friday, May 29, Friday, June 3 and Sunday June 6:
Northern Bobwhite calling along the roadside of highway Old 141 a little south of the Shrine White Horse Patrol stables. There is a new dirt road going east and up over a small ridge. The bird(s) is/are calling to the north of the new road.
Observers: Rex Rundquist, Marla Kerr, Jerry VonEhwegen, Jan Null, Jerry Probst, Ed Brogie, Mark Haindfield, Bill Huser, Randy Williams
LHAS bird hotline wednesday, 11 may 2022
A morning bike ride around the trails at Adams Homestead produced a list of 61 species. Highlights include:
Eastern Meadowlark (far left image, below)
Black-and-white Warbler
Common Yellowthroat (second from left, below)
American Redstart
Magnolia Warbler (third from left, below)
Blackpoll Warbler (far right image, below)
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
All below images copyright 2022 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission
LHAS bird hotline sunday, 8 may 2022
Quite the birding day throughout Siouxland! Highlights include:
Key: SP = Stone Park, BC = Bacon Creek, Crystal Cove = CC
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (BC)
Green Heron (BC)
Yellow-throated Vireo (SP, BC, CC)
Warbling Vireo (CC)
Red-eyed Vireo (CC)
Blue-gray Gnatchatcher (SP, BC)
Wood Thrush (SP)
Gray-cheeked Thrush (CC)
Swainson’s Thrush (BC; far left image, below)
Clay-colored Sparrow (CC)
Swamp Sparrow (SP)
Orchard Oriole (CC)
Ovenbird (SP)
Louisiana Waterthrush (SP)
Northern Waterthrush (BC)
Black-and-white Warbler (SP, BC, CC; center left image below)
Nashville Warbler (SP)
Blackburnian Warbler (CC)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (CC)
Blackpoll Warbler (BC, CC; two images on right, below)
Palm Warbler (BC)
Indigo Bunting (SP)
Below images copyright 2022 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission
Orioles are back at our feeders. After I took this picture, I noticed two orchard orioles in the tree next to feeder but was unable to get a picture of them. Sharon
Orioles and Goldfinch copyright 2022 by Sharon Polifka, used with permission.
This was a great Sunday morning for an early walk on the Mapleton Walking Trail. Sightings included one indigo bunting, one yellow-throated warbler, and an egret behind the sewage plant. The small birds were too quick for me to take a picture and the picture of the egret was too far away to get a good picture with my phone, although I tried. Sharon P
Egret image copyright 2022 by Sharon Polifka, used with permission.
Reporters: Jerry P., Randy W., Sharon P.
Got home from church Sunday morning May 8th and found lots of bird activity out my back yard window in Sioux City, IA. There had been thunder and rain overnight which was likely a factor. I was amazed by what I could see out my window while relaxing in a comfortable chair.
Swainson's Thrush (There were several and were First of Year [FOY])
American Redstart (FOY)
Ovenbird (May have been 2 and it kept foraging in the row of Lilac Bushes; Left and second-from-left images, below)
Veery (Perched in a bush a long time--thought it was a Swainson's Thrush and then realized it was different! Had never seen one up close before!-FOY of course!)
Gray Catbird (Were several and were FOY's)
Lincoln's Sparrow
Black-and-white Warbler (middle image, below)
Blue-headed Vireo (FOY)
House Wren
Northern Cardinal (second-from-right image, below)
Brown Thrasher
Common Yellowthroat
Downy Woodpecker
American Robin
Northern Waterthrush (far right image, below)
Black-capped Chickadee
Red-headed Woodpecker
Cedar Waxwing
Orchard Oriole
Jerry V., and Jan N., Sioux City , IA
All below images and videos copyright 2022 by Jan Null, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline friday, 6 may 2022
A slide show of recent photos from Jon Nylen and Leesa McNeil.
Top row (left to right): American Goldfinch, House Finch, Baltimore Oriole, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Eastern Towhee
Bottom row (left to right): Lincoln’s Sparrow, Eastern Meadowlark, yard trifecta, Wood Duck 1 and Wood Duck 2
All images copyright 2022 by Jon Nylen and Leesa McNeil, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline tuesday, 3 may 2022
Several observers have reported the following species over the last few days. I apologize for the delay in distribution, as I was out of town at the South Dakota Ornithologists’ Union meeting in Northwestern South Dakota.
Ovenbird copyright 2022 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
Gray Catbird
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Yellow Warbler
Baltimore Oriole
Swainson's Thrush
Less common migrants have included:
Bacon Creek: Yellow-crowned Night Heron, 1; 4/27
Salix Farms Dairy (280th & Eastland):
Sanderling, 1; 5/2
Willet, 8; 5/2
Forster’s Tern, 8; 5/2
Sioux Jersey Dairy:
Long-billed Dowitcher, 75; 5/2
Marbled Godwit, 2; 5/2
Willet, 9; 5/2
The Square: White-faced Ibis, 7; 5/2
Observers: Jon Nylen, Randy Williams, Mark Haindfield, Julie Huser, Jerry Probst, Bill Huser
Ovenbird copyright 2022 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
Kramper Lake:
We stopped by Kramper Lake on our way home this afternoon. Below are what we saw along with photos posted to my Flickr account.
White-faced Ibis
Bald Eagle - 1st year
Black Tern - 3
Semipalmated Plover - 1
Least Sandpiper - 3
Lesser Yellowlegs - 8
Wilson’s Phalarope - 1
Canada Goose
Snow Goose (the injured bird that’s been there for a few months)
Ring-billed Gull - 2
Bufflehead - 2
Ring-necked Duck - many
Blue-winged Teal - many
Northern Shoveler - several
American Coot
Savannah Sparrow
Field Sparrow
Chipping Sparrow
Clay-colored Sparrow
Pied-billed Grebe - 2
Eared Grebe - 1
Eastern bluebird - 1
Tree Swallow
Barn Swallow
Turkey Vulture
Merlin (coming into Hubbard it flew down and nabbed a Robin on the road in front of the car and then flew beneath a spruce tree on the edge of the road)
Jan J.: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bird-brained-quilter/
LHAS bird hotline sunday, 24 april 2022
A very windy early morning walk around Siouxland Prairie Park produced 28 species. Highlights included: Horned Grebe, Solitary Sandpiper, Lesser Yellowlegs, numerous swallows of various species (Tree, Barn, Cliff, Northern Rough-winged) above the pond, and numerous Savannah Sparrows throughout the park.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
Below images copyright 2022 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
Left to right: Lesser Yellowlegs, Double-crested Cormorants, female Red-winged Blackbirds, Savannah Sparrow.
LHAS bird hotline friday, 22 april 2022
Sandhill Lake:
American Avocet, 4
Hudsonian Godwit, 4
Jersey Dairy Farm:
Semipalmated Plover, 9
Marbled Godwit, 2
Hudsonian Godwit, 134
Dunlin, 73
Willet, 2
Dowitcher sp, 21 (distant)
Wilson's Phalarope, 3
Semi-palmated Sandpiper, 10
Also, Killdeer, Baird's and Pectoral Sandpipers, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs
Reporters: Jason Newton, Aurora, IL; Jerry Probst and Bill Huser, South Sioux City, NE
LHAS bird hotline thursday, 21 april 2022
Louisiana Waterthrush image copyright 2022 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
Crystal Cove, Dakota County, NE
Horned Grebe, 2
Kramper Lake, Dakota County, NE
American Avocet, 16
Bonaparte's Gull, > 15
Winnebago Waste Water Plant, Thurston County, NE
Marbled Godwit, 1
Semipalmated Sandpiper, 1 First of Year (FOY)
Owego Wetland, Woodbury County, IA
Great Egret, 1 FOY
Stone State Park, Woodbury, IA
Lake Yankton, Cedar County, NE/ Yankton County, SD
Eared Grebe
Horned Grebe
Common Loon, 2
South Sioux City, Dakota County, NE
Hermit Thrush, 1 FOY
Reporters: Roger Dietrich, Bob Nickolson, Bob Livermore, Jerry Probst, Bill Huser
LHAS bird hotline tuesday, 19 april 2022
Woodbury County Highlights
Sandhill Lake:
American Avocet, 15 First of Year (FOY)
Hudsonian Godwit (HuGo), 110
American White Pelican, 100
Lakeport WMA:
Hudsonian Godwit, 20
Greater Yellowlegs, 30
Owego Wetlands:
Greater White-fronted Geese, 20
The Square:
Wilson's Phalarope, 2
Swainson's Hawk, 1
Dairy Ponds:
Snow Goose, 35
Ross's Goose, 1
Hudsonian Godwit, 102
Dunlin, 82
Brown's Lake area:
Swainson's Hawk, 25 on chiseled plowed ag ground
Note: 232 HuGo in three locations!
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
LHAS bird hotline monday, 18 april 2022
Shorebirds continue to increase in numbers at local wetlands. The following were reported at one or more locations this past weekend. Look for these species at your local wetlands.
American Golden-Plover - First of Year (FOY)
Willet - FOY
Wilson's Phalarope - FOY
Hudsonian Godwit
Marbled Godwit
Baird's Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper
Lesser Yellowlegs
Greater Yellowlegs
Note: This is an exceptionally dry spring with no 'sheetwater' in ag fields or grasslands. This eliminates most of our shorebird hotspots. Also, water levels in our oxbow wetlands are at extreme lows. In some cases this leaves muddy shorelines that are not normally exposed and may attract shorebirds.
In short, though habitat is in short supply, our migrant shorebirds may actually concentrate in the few wetlands available, providing good viewing for us birders, but also increasing the risk of influenza spread, perhaps.
Reporters: Mark Haindfield, Jerry Probst, Bill Huser
LHAS bird hotline saturday, 16 april 2022
Kramper Lake, Dakota County, NE:
Northern Shoveler (left image)
Eared Grebe, 1 alternate plumage First of Year (FOY)
Horned Grebe, 4 alternate plumage
Marbled Godwit, 2 (middle image)
Bonaparte's Gull, 7 FOY (right image)
American White Pelican, 95
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
All below images copyright 2022 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
Bacon Creek Park, Sioux City, IA
An early morning walk around the park trail revealed 30 species. Highlights (from left) include: Common Loon, Great Egret, Osprey (showing the shore-based anglers how it’s done), Golden-crowned Kinglet (not pictured), and Swamp Sparrow.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
All below imaged copyright 2022 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline thursday, 14 april 2022
Crystal Cove Park:
Osprey, 1 First of Year (FOY)
Kramper Lake, Dakota County, NE:
Semipalmated Plover, 1
Marbled Godwit, 3 FOY
Baird's Sandpiper, 19
Brewer's Blackbird, 2 males
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
LHAS bird hotline tuesday, 12 april 2022
Kramper Lake, Dakota County, NE:
Red-breasted Merganser, 1 male
Eared Grebe, 1, alternate (breeding) plumage First of Year (FOY)
Semipalmated Plover, 1 FOY
Dunlin, 1, in basic plumage FOY
Franklin’s Gull, 23
Barn Swallow, 1 FOY
Eastern Meadowlark, 2 singing
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
LHAS bird hotline monday, 11 april 2022
Sandhill Lake - even lower water levels - no open water west of Buchanon.
Lakeport WMA:
Ross's Goose, 1 adult
Owego - surprisingly good water levels
Wilson's Snipe, 16
Marsh Wren, 1 First of Year (FOY)
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Adams Homestead and Nature Preserve
Harris’s Sparrow copyright 2022 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
An early morning bike ride around the trails caused several “infrequent” messages on my eBird list this morning. My personal favorite this morning was the Eastern Towhee. Unfortunately, I did not get any photos as it phased out of and back into the plum thicket just west of the low concrete wall and bench on the River Loop. No spots. I did not hear any song or calls.
“Infrequent” also popped with Harris’s Sparrow, Greater White-fronted Geese, and Eastern Meadowlark.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
Greater White-fronted Geese copyright 2022 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline thursday, 7 april 2022
Bald Eagle image copyright 2022 by Jon Nylen, used with permission.
Bald Eagle along Highway 12.
Jon N., Plymouth County, IA
LHAS bird hotline tuesday, 5 april 2022
Crystal Cove Park, South Sioux City, NE
Horned Grebe, 1, in bright alternate plumage
Fox Sparrow (red - P.i. iliaca), 3
Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
LHAS bird hotline monday, 4 april 2022
Jerry Mennenga has his own blog: Lost in Siouxland. Jerry is an excellent photographer and storyteller. He just posted a link regarding a Cooper’s Hawk finding a meal in the back yard of a Sioux City residence. It is Jerry’s story so please check the link and have a look.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
Black squirrel copyright 2022 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission
LHAS bird hotline sunday, 3 april 2022
A morning walk along Union Bridge Trail between Little Sioux Park and Correctionville revealed 31 species. Waterfowl were in the ponds and along the river. Many Song Sparrows were in fine voice. Mud along the south pond should provide a nice spot for some shorebirds. Highlights were the Song Sparrows, a Bald Eagle, a semi-cooperative Belted Kingfisher and my first photos of a black squirrel.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
Belted Kingfisher copyright 2022 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission
LHAS bird hotline saturday, 2 april 2022
Lakeport WMA (Cass Ave west of old US-75 south of Salix)
Greater Yellowlegs, 1
No Cinnamon Teal at this time — Bill H.
ADDENDUM 1: I saw the Cinnamon Teal at Lakeport WMA on Saturday afternoon 4/2 around 1:45 so maybe there are 2 of them?? — Jerry V.
ADDENDUM 2: Cinnamon Teal, 1 male at Lakeport WMA. Although this bird did not appear to be at this site at dawn, Jerry VonEhwegen re-located this bird, originally found the day before at this site by Mark Haindfield, in the afternoon. This bird, or another, was found Saturday morning near Sandhill Lake. Though Sandhill Lake is on the other side of the I-29, it is only about a mile away as a teal flies. — Bill H.
Sandhill Lake
Cinnamon Teal, 1 male in drainage ditch just east of Sandhill Lake on 310th Ave. Probably same bird found the previous day at Lakeport WMA by Mark Haindfield
Brown's Lake
American White Pelican, 1 on lake, 75 in the air
Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Bacon Creek Park, Sioux City
A morning walk around the trail produced 30 species for Rex R. and Randy W. Highlights were Hooded Merganser, Belted Kingfisher, Golden-crowned Kinglet, and Brown Creeper.
Hooded Merganser pair copyright 2022 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
Adams Homestead and Nature Preserve:
Was at Adams on 02 Apr 2022. Had a 15-year-old dog with us so we didn’t journey far from the central bldg. Saw mostly Canada geese (not pictured) estimated to be about slightly less than 100. Ducks were predominantly Northern Shovelers (about 75) and American Widgeon (about 40). I did see one male Lesser Scaup in a brownish plumage. Saw three Turkey Vultures. At high altitude a flock of 12 American White Pelicans flew overhead (listed birds are in order from left to right in below images).
Jon N., Plymouth County, IA
All below images copyright 2022 by Jon Nylen, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline Friday, 1 April 2022
Eastern Meadowlark copyright 2022 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
Adams Homestead and Nature Preserve
An early morning bicycle ride around the “figure 8” of Adams Homestead produced 31 species thanks to accumulating waterfowl on Mud Lake. Wood Ducks are in the trees as well as on the lake. Highlights were: Bufflehead, Ruddy Duck, American Kestrel, Eastern Phoebe, and a singing Eastern Meadowlark.
Randy W. Sioux City, IA
Eastern Phoebe image copyright 2022 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline WEDNEsday, 30 march 2022
Monday, March 28:
Kramper Lake: Northern Shrike (scarce this winter)
Tuesday, March 29:
Badger Lake: Greater Yellowlegs, Lesser Yellowlegs
Sandhill Lake: Dowitcher species First of Year (FOY)
Kramper Lake: Tree Swallow FOY
Bacon Creek Park: Savannah Sparrow FOY
Snyder Bend: Rusty Blackbird
And Turkey Vultures have been reported from 5 locations around town since Sunday, March 27.
Reporters: Dawn S., Anne S., Mark H., Theresa K., Randy W., Bill H.
Savannah Sparrow image copyright 2022 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline tuesday, 29 march 2022
Bacon Creek Park, Sioux City
A few highlights from a walk around Bacon Creek:
Great Blue Heron image copyright 2022 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
Blue-winged Teal (4)
Bufflehead (2)
Hooded Merganser (1)
Great Blue Heron (1)
Turkey Vulture (1)
Cooper’s Hawk (1)
Brown Creeper (1)
Fox Sparrow (3)
Savannah Sparrow (6)
Song Sparrow (4)
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
Sunday, March 27, Kramper Lake, Dakota County, NE:
Red-breasted Merganser, 1 male
Blue-winged Teal, 9
Pectoral Sandpiper, 1 FOY
Sunday, March 27, Norway Avenue, Dakota County, NE:
Franklin Gull, 3 FOY
Ring-billed Gull, 600
Monday, March 28, Crystal Cove Park, South Sioux City, NE:
Turkey Vulture, 1 FOY
Tuesday, March 29, Crystal Cove Park:
Golden-crowned Kinglet, 1
Brown Creeper, 1
Fox Sparrow, 2
All migrants, not wintering there.
Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
LHAS bird hotline saturday, 19 march 2022
Red-tailed Hawk (photo below) 2 miles north of Jefferson, SD on hard surface road
Snyder Bend County Park
Approximately 300 Canada geese (photo below)
1 Snow goose or River Pelican - too far off to make positive identification
Approximately 50 Killdeer (photo below)
Approximately 100 Green-winged Teal
2 eagles in the distance over the Island looking west from the Park - unable to determine bald or golden
Little pothole off Hwy 12 about 2 miles south of Jefferson bridge
Approximately 200-250 Canada geese. It appears as there is at least one nesting pair of Canadians on the “island”.
Approximately 30 Lesser Scaup (photo below)
Much more diversified group of ducks there when I drove by 1 hour earlier than when I stopped later 1 juvenile eagle 1/4 north of Jefferson bridge on Hwy 12
Jon N., Plymouth County, IA
All below images copyright 2022 by Jon Nylen, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline thursday, 17 march 2022
Crystal Cove Park, South Sioux City, NE
Red-breasted Merganser, 3 males, First of Year (FOY)
Common Grackle, 1 FOY
Hooded Merganser (4)
Northern Shoveler (2 males)
Green-winged Teal (1 male)
Lesser Scaup (3 female)
Common Goldeneye (4, in flight)
Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
LHAS bird hotline wednesday, 16 march 2022
Saturday, March 12: Ponca State Park - north unit, Dixon County, NE:
Golden Eagle, 1 adult
Monday, March 14: Crystal Cove Park, South Sioux City, NE:
Double-crested Cormorant, 2 adults
5 species of geese
Tuesday, March 15: Kramper Lake, Dakota County, NE:
Herring Gull, 1 adult
American Coot, 13
many Snow Geese and ducks
Wednesday, March 16: Kramper Lake:
Blue-winged Teal, 2 males
Ring-billed Gull, 3 adults
5 species of geese
16 species of ducks
Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Wednesday, March 16: Sioux City, IA
This has been an interesting bird day even though I did not start a list and I did not get any photos.
Last summer I photographed several Cooper’s Hawks in our front and back yards. They’re back and a nest is being refurbished. The nest is in the shelterbelt between our neighbor’s back yard and Memorial Park Cemetery. I watched a female Cooper’s (did not see the male) fly up to the nest, futz with something, then fly off. Repeat several times.
While I was watching the Cooper’s activity there were several “Vs” of Canada geese fly over as well as a Great Blue Heron. The heron was a little closer to treetop level than the geese.
My fun activity today was a bicycle ride along the riverfront trail from Chataqua Park to just over the new bridge and into North Sioux City and return. 24 miles. A couple of Red-tail Hawks engaged in — I think — a territorial dispute as I pedaled along in the new playground construction zone. I thought I heard a Chipping Sparrow trill from one of the evergreens near one of the current playgrounds.
While I was pedaling to North Sioux along the trail on the top of the Big Sioux dike in Riverside I saw a meadowlark fly off the trail and into the grasses between the trail and the river. Did not hear it sing and could not tell if it was Eastern or Western since I did not have binoculars with me. Most likely a Western.
On my return I had an adult Bald Eagle fly over me and the Riverside Pool. Could not get the camera out and fired up for any photos.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
LHAS bird hotline sunday, 6 march 2022
Sandhill Crane image copyright 2022 by Jerry L. Menninga, used with permission.
Sandhill Cranes flying over Bigelow Park, Brown’s Lake during a photo outing.
Jerry M., Sioux City, IA
LHAS bird hotline friday, 4 march 2022
Brown's Lake: (Found Bob and Phyllis N. enjoying the Birds!)
50 Bald Eagles (On the ice, kettling & cavorting in the air enjoying the wind)
2000 Snow Geese (overhead flock)
20 Hooded Mergansers (near the dock out of the wind)
20 Canvasbacks
Several other species of Ducks
Snyder's Bend:
Large numbers of Greater White-fronted Geese
1 Trumpeter Swan
Green-winged Teal and several other Duck species
Several Killdeer
Later at home out my back window:
The LHAS website March Bird of the Month Sharp-shinned Hawk came by to say thanks and was perched low in a tree close to my back window for a long time!
Jerry V., Sioux City, IA
Adams Homestead and Nature Preserve, Union County, SD (reported on Bird Hotline on 3/4/22)
Sunday, 27 February - total of 19 species
Common Goldeneye - upper left, species observed on both days
Northern Harrier - not pictured
Red-tailed Hawk - upper middle, species observed on both days
Rough-legged Hawk - upper right and middle left images, carpal patches observed when bird flew
Red-winged Blackbird - central image
Wednesday, 2 March - total of 22 species
Sunrise with fog - middle right image
Snow Goose - bottom left, in flight and on the Nebraska side of the river, opposite the Wynstone development
Cackling Goose - bottom middle, mixed with the Canada geese on Mud Lake
Canada Goose - bottom middle, many Canada geese in the air, on Mud Lake and along the Missouri
American Wigeon - not pictured
Common Merganser - not pictured
Bald Eagle - bottom right image overlooking Mud Lake
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
All images below copyright 2022 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission
LHAS bird hotline thursday, 3 march 2022
Lots of waterfowl moving in and around the Yankton area this morning. The Trumpeter Swans are still in the area also. eBird Checklist Summary for: Mar 3, 2022. Number of Checklists: 4; Number of Taxa: 20.
Checklists included in this summary:
Lake Yankton (South Dakota) Date: Mar 3, 2022 at 8:42 AM
US-SD-Yankton-Crest Rd - 42.8557x-97.4837 Date: Mar 3, 2022 at 9:35 AM
US-SD-Yankton - 42.8715x-97.4822 Date: Mar 3, 2022 at 10:10 AM
Lake Yankton boat launch Date: Mar 3, 2022 at 10:36 AM
50 Snow Goose -- (1),(3),(4)
2 Ross's Goose -- (4)
76 Greater White-fronted Goose -- (1),(3),(4)
6 Cackling Goose -- (4)
550 Canada Goose -- (1),(4)
9 Trumpeter Swan -- (3)
70 Gadwall -- (1),(2)
460 Mallard -- (1),(2)
60 Northern Pintail -- (1),(2)
50 Canvasback -- (1),(2)
36 Redhead -- (1),(2)
40 Ring-necked Duck -- (1)
33 Lesser Scaup -- (1),(2)
6 Bufflehead -- (1)
1760 Common Goldeneye -- (1),(2)
5 Hooded Merganser -- (1)
95 Common Merganser -- (1),(2)
1 Northern Harrier -- (2)
1 Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted) -- (1)
4 American Robin -- (1)
Roger D., Yankton, SD
Image web site: https://www.flickr.com/photos/yanktonbirds/
LHAS bird hotline friday, 25 february 2022
We were driving back into the neighborhood a couple days ago when hubby Jon spotted this barred owl. We rushed home to get his camera and we're lucky to get a photo! First owl we've photographed in our neighborhood!
Jon N. and Leesa M., Plymouth County, IA
Barred Owl image copyright 2022 by Jon Nylen, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline thursday, 24 february 2022
A mink we saw in our yard (I know it’s not a bird but anyway) and a photo I took today while the snow was falling. The house finches went crazy after John filled our tray feeder with safflower seed.
John and Sharon P., near Smithland, IA
Below images copyright 2022 by Sharon Polifka, used with permission.
Cooper’s Hawk image copyright 2022 by Jerry L. Mennenga, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline wednesday, 23 february 2022
I went downstairs and noticed one of my cats staring into the backyard. That's when I noticed the raptor (Cooper’s Hawk) sitting on the crossbar of a clothesline in the backyard. All I had was my 300 (lens) with a 1.4 (adapter) on it. Two squirrels were in a small tree to the hawk's right, left side of the frame, and would glance at them, and they clattered a bit because they wanted to eat all the bird seed on the ground, as there were no songbirds around.
I've noticed the hawk flying about and it sat in a neighbor's tree behind me last summer/spring. A little too close. Glad my cats were indoors, depending on how hungry the hawk was. After I stepped forward toward the bird on my deck to get a bit tighter still, it took off. One of my out of focus pics was a squirrel leaping in the background while the hawk looked around.
Jerry M., Sioux City, IA
LHAS bird hotline tuesday, 22 february 2022
While Loess Hills Audubon’s official outing for the 2022 Great Backyard Bird Count was Saturday, 19 February (see results here), here are photos and video from the days surrounding our count day.
Jerry V. and Jan N., Sioux City, IA
All still images and video copyright 2022 by Jan Null, used with permission.

February 18, 2022
Bald Eagle
Trumpeter Swans
Canada Geese
Greater White-fronted Geese
Northern Harrier (Owego)
Red-tailed Hawk (screeching)
Greater White-fronted Geese (Blue Lake)
February 20, 2022
Eastern Bluebird (Oak Ridge)
Northern Cardinal (Oak Ridge)
Red-headed Woodpecker image copyright 2022 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline sunday, 20 february 2022
A morning walk around Bacon Creek as part of the four-day Great Backyard Bird Count produced a Cooper’s Hawk, five Brown Creepers and a Red-headed Woodpecker. American Robins and Northern Cardinals were singing and there was quite a bit of drumming by various woodpecker species.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
LHAS bird hotline thursday, 10 february 2022
Walking the dog just now, a neighbor's birch tree was bustling with tiny, busy birds. I didn't have my binoculars on me, but one conveniently landed in their driveway closer to me: a common redpoll! There were at least 2 dozen-plus feeding there. We scared them into the top of another neighbor's spruce, and then they vanished. On our return, a few less redpolls were in that birch, and as they flew off, they were accompanied by a handful of cedar waxwings.
Though no visual, I also clearly heard the xylophone chuckle of a robin.
Happy morning!
Kristy M., Kingsley IA
LHAS bird hotline thursday, 3 february 2022
Riverview Drive, South Sioux City, NE:
Red-tailed Hawk (Northern), B.j. abieticola, 1 adult. ID by extensive, dark, blotchy breast band; dark head with little white on chin, rufous and brown streaking from chin to breast band, wing linings marked with rufous and brown spotting; white upper tail coverts contrasting with red tail; dark sub-terminal tail band.
Jerry P., and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Both Red-tailed Hawk images copyright 2022 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline monday, 31 january 2022
Ponca State Park
Purple Finch, 1 male (left image, below)
Common Redpoll, 1 male (right image, below)
Bill H., and Regie B., South Sioux City, NE
Below images copyright 2022 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
Lewis and Clark Trail, Sioux City Riverfront
I took advantage of the warmer temps and lower wind speeds to bicycle the Riverfront Trail from Chris Larsen Park to Chataqua Park and back and then continued up the trail to Riverside Park and back to Chris Larsen. Here are a few highlights.
Snow Goose - 1 (top left)
Common Goldeneye - 10 (top middle)
Common Merganser - 4 (top right)
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) - 50 (bottom left)
Bald Eagle - 3 (not pictured)
Red-tailed Hawk - 4 (bottom middle)
Harris's Sparrow - 4 (not pictured, but found at this watering hole in the ice, bottom right)
Randy W. Sioux City, IA
Below images copyright 2022 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
Blue Lake, Monona County, IA
On January 31, Jerry V and I were birding at Blue Lake near Onawa. There were 50 Trumpeter Swans among the Canada Geese, Snow Geese, Cackling Geese, Greater White-fronted Geese and a Common Merganser.
Jerry V., and Jan N., Sioux City, IA
All below images copyright 2022 by Jan Null, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline sunday, 30 january 2022
Bacon Creek Park, Sioux City
One Winter Wren along the west shore of the lake this morning.
Randy W., Sioux City, IA
Winter Wren image copyright 2022 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
Sioux City Private Residence
Sharp-shinned Hawk looking for House Sparrow dinner on Sunday afternoon at our house.
Rob T., Sioux City, IA
Below images copyright 2022 by Rob Towler, used with permission.
Big Sioux River
I wasn’t sure if anyone had seen Trumpeter Swans in Woodbury County, so I thought I’d let you know that Kevin and I saw Trumpeter Swans land on the Big Sioux River while we were there yesterday around 4:20 and today at the same time. There are 6 of them. If you walk under I29 toward the River walk on the south side of the Interstate and then walk along the River on the beach, they landed in the same area. Dakota Dunes houses on other side of River.
I am almost positive that I also saw a Short-eared Owl fly from the trees (IA) across the River to Dakota Dunes both evenings around 4:40 pm. Basically right over my head the first evening. I have actually never seen one before, didn’t have any evidence, and was too stunned and mesmerized to raise my camera to photograph it as it looked right at me flight.
Here are photos of the swans.
Marla and Kevin K., Sioux City, IA
Below images copyright 2022 by Marla Kerr, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline saturday, 29 january 2022
Ida County, Iowa
I did a couple of miles run on Keystone Ave. North of Ida Grove, Iowa this morning. We had five Bald Eagles, one Golden Eagle, one Belted Kingfisher diving for fish and one Northern Shrike. Great Birding in Ida County,
Don P., Ida Grove, IA
Ida County Supplement:
I had a request to send out a few Bald Eagle images I took yesterday. Their population continues to expand. In winter, many find road-kill deer providing needed food for for their survival. I took these yesterday, in northwest Ida County.
All below images copyright 2022 by Don Poggensee, used with permission.
O’Brien County, Iowa
Townsend's solitaire at Watermans by Sutherland, IA. West side of road in evergreens. So briefly and lost. Played a call and it flew in and hung out by my truck for a half an hour. Still there when I left.
Dana Siefer
Ponca State Park
Barred Owl, 2
Lapland Longspur, ~100
Snow Bunting, 3
Pine Siskin, 1
Bill H., and Jerry P., South Sioux City, NE
LHAS bird hotline friday, 28 january 2022
Brown's Lake, Woodbury County, IA
Pileated Woodpecker, 1 (first recorded at this site). Previously recorded at Stone State Park, Winnebago Bend, Snyders Bend in Woodbury County
Jerry P. and Bill H., South Sioux City, NE
Whispering Creek, Sioux City, IA
Last week someone hit and killed a deer on our Whispering Creek street. To my delight, a Bald Eagle would come every day around 5 pm to have a great feast. It was between the sidewalk and the street- so very close to cars driving by. When I photographed the Eagle, he was in a tree a few yards away. Unusual to have a daily visit from a Bald Eagle to our street!
Jan N., Sioux City, IA
All below images and video copyright 2022 by Jan Null, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline sunday, 16 january 2022
Kevin and I observed a fox squirrel chasing a Cooper’s Hawk away from the trees behind our yard. This went on for several minutes, as the hawk moved to another tree and then another location, only to be challenged by the squirrel again. The bird puffed up his feathers at one point and put his wings out to look bigger, perhaps, but in the end the squirrel won that round. The hawk ended up on a log on the ground, and then left from view. Maybe the woodpeckers and juncos were cheering the squirrel on?
Here are a few photos from their encounter on January 9. I thought this was a Cooper’s Hawk, but it could be a Sharp-Shinned. We have been going back and forth on deciding.
Per Bill H.: I believe you are right with Cooper's. Great photos show the gray cap, rounded tail with white tips. Adult male, perhaps.
Marla and Kevin K., Sioux City, IA
All below images copyright 2022 by Marla Kerr, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline saturday, 15 january 2022
Here are a few photos of that leucistic (lighter or more pale than usual) American Goldfinch that Kevin was talking about at the LHAS January program. I took these photos this morning. The bird didn’t sit still long. I was thinking that he is a goldfinch, but his colorization is odd.
Marla and Kevin K., Sioux City, IA
All below images copyright 2022 by Marla Kerr, used with permission.
LHAS bird hotline friday, 14 january 2022
After Ed Brogie found a Common Redpoll in my yard on the 11th I was able to relocate him on Wednesday. Yesterday I spent way too much time searching for him but never found him. This morning I found him briefly feeding with the Goldfinches on the ground under the feeders.
Jan J., Wakefield, Dixon Co., NE
LHAS bird hotline monday, 3 january 2022
Click the button below to see the Ida Grove Christmas Bird Count results from 2 January 2022.
LHAS bird hotline saturday, 1 january 2022
It was below zero this morning, but I found this saw-whet keeping its feet warm, with its feathers. In 34 years I have not seen a Saw-whet do this. The weather service reported a wind chill of minus 30 below, when I was recording this image.
Don P., Ida Grove, IA
Northern Saw-whet Owl image copyright 2022 by Don Poggensee, used with permission.