2023 Hindsight
Welcome to the online version of the Loess Hills Audubon Society’s 2023 Holiday celebration! Here are highlights of the year from our chapter’s photographers and videographers. Each contributor has their own section. Contributors are organized alphabetically by their last name. Please explore and enjoy!
Jeanne Bockholt
All above images copyright 2023 by Jeanne Bockholt, used with permission.
No comments were provided.
Mark Haindfield
Above images copyright 2023 by Mark Haindfield, used with permission.
Hooded Merganser - Summit Lake, Nebraska State Recreation Area near Tekamah Flared ‘hood’ during breeding display.
Sora Rail - at ‘The Square’ near Owego Wetland Complex Foraging on floating seeds as wind blows them onto the water.
Lesser Yellowlegs - Owego Wetland Complex Foraging for aquatic invertebrates.
(4 images) Loggerhead Shrike - near our backyard along the Missouri River Feeding on grasshoppers and regurgitating a pellet
(3 images) American Avocets - private pond near Salix Some observations of various behaviors
Ed & Karlene Hohenstein
Above images copyright 2023 by Ed and Karlene Hohenstein, used with permission.
Egrets near San Juan, Puerto Rico
Great Egret
Loess Hills
Roseate Spoonbills and an unidentified duck
Tricolored Heron (South Padre) by Ed Hohenstein
Tricolored Heron by Karlene Hohenstein (Stepping in the Shadow)
O’Conner House Glass Ornaments
O’Conner House Tree - Merry Christmas from Ed and Karlene
Bill Huser
All above images copyright 2023 by William F. Huser, used with permission.
Song Sparrow
Sandhill Crane
Louisiana Waterthrush
Sage Thrasher
Upland Sandpiper 1
Upland Sandpiper 2
Wilson's Snipe
Common Nighthawk
Grasshopper Sparrow
Buff-breasted Sandpiper
Kevin & Marla Kerr
Above images copyright 2023 by Kevin & Marla Kerr, used with permission.
Cordilleran Flycatcher, Hill City, SD - 7/21/23
Female Crossbill, Hill City, SD - 7/21/23
Bull Elk, Rocky Mountain National Park - 9/27/23
Green Heron, Bacon Creek - 8/27/23
Dickcissel, Owego Wetlands - 8/5/23
Nashville Warbler, Stone Park - 10/4/23
Song Sparrow, Adams Homestead - 4/25/23
Lincoln’s Sparrow, Rock Mountain National Park - 9/27/23
White-throated Sparrow, Sioux City - 4/26/23
White-crowned Sparrow, Rocky Mountain National Park - 9/28/23
Harris’s Sparrow, Snyder Bend - 11/4/23
Savannah Sparrow, Prairie Park - 5/6/23
Red-headed Woodpecker with ants 1 - 7/8/23
Red-headed Woodpecker with ants 2 - 7/8/23
Female Common Merganser, Brown’s Lake - 11/4/23
Merganser and bluegill (?) - 11/4/23
Swimming off with a prize! - 11/4/23
Ring-necked Duck at Riparian Preserve, Gilbert, AZ - 3/13/23
Bob Livermore
Jerry Mennenga
All above images copyright 2023 by Jerry L. Mennenga, used with permission.
Adams Homestead
American Avocet
Avocet and Canada Geese
Geese on the wing
Canada Geese and Tundra Swan
Tundra Swan
Turkey portrait
Complaints about the food service!
Feeding Time!
Backyard Birds
Mourning Dove
House Wren
American Goldfinch
Cooper’s Hawk (3 images)
Little Sioux Park at Correctionville
Bald Eagle along the river
Objecting to the visitors
Eaglet at Little Sioux (2 images)
Little Sioux, IA
Bald Eagles along the river
Big Sioux River / Stone State Park
Immature and adult
Immature in flight
Owego Wetlands Complex
Eagles at the nest (2 images)
Great Blue Herons (2 images)
Brown’s Lake
Great Blue Heron fishing (2 images)
Claiming the fishing hole!
Snyder Bend
American White Pelican
Trumpeter Swan and pelicans
Geese at Snyder Bend
Pam Miller-Smith
Jan Null
Above images copyright 2023 by Jan Null, used with permission.
It was unbelievable how many Bald Eagles were perching in a tree over the Big Sioux River at Riverside Park on February 23 2023.
This Eastern Bluebird is fairly common in open countryside, meadows, golf courses, parks, and areas like Oak Ridge Conservation Area near Oto, IA. That is where we heard him singing his warbled chatter song on June 6, 2023.
We were so excited to find the rare bird for Iowa, the Sage Thrasher! He was singing his song – a long series of warbled phrases as he stood like a king, on the top of a dirt pile in Plymouth County on June 12. He is usually found in the sagebrush plains! He was a life bird for some of us!
You will need to look closely in the center of the photo to see this bird! The Northern Harrier is soaring over the beautiful prairie at Owego. The Loess Hills show their beauty in the background. (Did you know the Harrier has an “owl-like “face?)
On February 18 at Blue Lake we were watching a family of Bald Eagles. It seemed that they were teaching their young how to find food during the cold winter season.
This little Snow Bunting in his wintry “toasted marshmallow” colors was resting as the others in the little flock were tumbling in flight across the barren farm fields near 220th Street looking for seeds on a cold winter day, February 26.
This Baltimore Oriole with beautiful colors was singing a melodious song in the upper canopies of the deciduous trees at South Ravine on May 13, 2023.
Stone Park was hosting many warblers on May 17; there were many “aaahs” as we spotted the beautiful “firethroated” Blackburnian Warbler. They are often at the very tops of trees and not very often down low. They are partial to evergreen trees.
The little “Lone Ranger” looking bird, the Common Yellowthroat, was hanging out at Oak Ridge Conservation Area on June 6. He likes to hide and sneak around low in bushy areas, tangles and marshes. We know he’s there as we hear him singing his “witchety, witchety, witchety” song!
Always fun to see and photograph the colorful, common woodland Scarlet Tanager which was also seen at Oak Ridge Conservation Area on June 6. He is surprisingly difficult to find even though he is an unforgettable red color.
September 9 this Grasshopper suspended in thin air joined the photo shoot at Snyder’s Bend!
Video #1: American White Pelicans at Snyder’s Bend performing their Synchronized Swimming and Feeding act!! They herd the fish and then shovel them into their pouch like bill. So fun to watch!
Video #2: Wishing you a Merry Christmas with the Blue Grosbeak singing his greetings in his long rolling warble. We heard him at Owego on July 9, 2023. (Christmas in July)
Below videos copyright 2023 by Jan Null, used with permission.
Sharon and John Polifka
Images and video copyright 2023 by Sharon and John Polifka, used with permission.
Paul Roisen
Above images copyright 2023 by Paul Roisen, used with permission.
Green Heron, 1.17.23, Kiawanis Park, Maricipa County, AZ
White-winged Scoter, 1.17.23, Kiawanis Park, Maricipa County, AZ
White-winged Scoter, 1.17.23, Kiawanis Park, Maricipa, County, AZ
Red-tailed Hawk (calurus_alascensis), 1.19.23, Tonto NF Payson, Macicipa County, AZ
Red-tailed Hawk Harlan's, 1.31.23, E. Sahuarita Rd, PimaCo, AZ
Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay, 1.19.23, Sycamore Springs, Maricipa Co, AZ
Chestnut-collared Longspur, 1.31.23, Las Cienegas NCA, Santa Cruz County, AZ
Chestnut-collared Longspur, 1.31.23, E. Sahuarita Rd, Pima County, AZ
Loggerhead Shrike, 1.31.23, Las Cienegas NCA, Santa Cruz County, AZ
Neotropic Cormorant, 1.31.23, Canoa Ranch CP, Pima County, AZ
Barn Owl, 2.1.23, San Simon, Cochise County, AZ
Barn Owl, 2.1.23, San Simon, Cochise County, AZ
Barn Owl, 2.1.23, San Simon, Cochise County, AZ
Acorn Woodpecker, 2.1.23, San Simon, Cochise County, AZ
Chihuanhaun Raven, 2.1.23, San Simon, Cochise County, AZ
Chihuanhaun Raven, 2.1.23, San Simon,Cochise County, AZ
Red-headed Woodpecker, 2.1.23, San Simon, Cochise County, AZ
Maria Rundquist
All still images above and below videos copyright 2023 by Maria Rundquist, used with permission.
No comments provided.
Rex Rundquist
Above images copyright 2023 by Rex Rundquist, used with permission.
Jerry von Ehwegen
All above images copyright 2023 by Jerry vonEhwegen, used with permission.
Have you ever been on Owego Road?
It is only 6 tenths of a mile long.
It runs NW to SE parallel to an abandoned RR track.
It connects Fayette Avenue to 300th Street.
300th Street then goes ½ mile East to Franklin Avenue.
The RR track serviced the abandoned town of Owego.
It is found in the Owego Wetlands Complex.
Owego Wetlands Complex is managed by the WCCB.
Which contains over 1300 acres of wildlife habitat.
Why I love Owego Road.
I have been on it hundreds of times.
Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.
Here are some things I’ve found there!
Great views of the Loess Hills!
Wild Roses—Iowa’s state flower.
American Goldfinches—Iowa’s State Bird.
Dickcissels-they never stop singing!.
Birders nearby on Fayette Avenue. (Owego Road in background.)
Upland Sandpipers.
Lots of Blazing Star.
Blue Grosbeaks
White-faced Ibis.
Beautiful Prairie
Nesting Orchard Orioles.!
Another Birder!
Maybe some long time birders!
I think these birders have been there!
Todd Wheelock
All above images copyright 2023 by Todd Wheelock, used with permission.
No comments provided.
Randy Williams
All above images copyright 2023 by Randall D. Williams, used with permission.
Little Sioux Park, Correctionville, IA
Bald Eagle photography with Jerry M.
Bald Eagle objecting to the paparazzi
Barred Owl along the Union Bridge Trail
Prairie Park, Sioux City, IA
Prairie Park pond
Red-breasted Merganser
Eared Grebe
Least Sandpipers
Siouxland Birding (and a little more)
Red-tailed Hawk at Bacon Creek
Immature Bald Eagle and half-moon at Riverside Park
Fox Sparrow in the neighborhood
Yellow-rumped Warbler at Bacon Creek
Western Kingbird along the Lewis & Clark Riverfront Trail
Lincoln’s Sparrow at Adams Homestead
Grasshopper Sparrow in Plymouth County
Cooper’s Hawks in the neighborhood (3 images)
Limpkin at Bacon Creek
Cicada in the neighborhood
Snapping Turtle at Adams Homestead
Siouxland Cycling
RAGBRAI Day One, on the way to Kingsley
Valley fog on the way to Kingsley
Steamroller 60 from Sioux Center to Hawarden and back
Siouxland Trails
Along the Floyd River
Railroad bridge across the Big Sioux at North Sioux City
Electric unicycle on the Floyd River Trail
Theodore Roosevelt National Park
Little Missouri overlook
Wild horses within the park
(Bison) Bull’s Eye
Prairie Master
Bill and Dotty Zales
Above images copyright 2023 by William Zales, used with permission.
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