Upcoming Outings

Birding outings occur monthly.

Please use the side navigation list for highlights of past outings

Loess Hills Monona County 2 copy.jpg

Show ā€˜nā€™ Go!

Saturday, 18 January 2025

Snowy Owl image copyright 2024 by William F. Huser, used with permission.

By January even the latest migrants have moved on, mortality has taken a toll on our winter residents and our water is frozen, except for the Missouri River. This all means that birds are difficult to find and bird outings are challenging to plan.

On Saturday, January 18, 2025, we will meet at 7:30 AM at the northwest corner of the Singing Hills Walmart parking lot for a Show & Go. This means we will meet that morning and weigh our options, taking into account eBird alerts, hotline reports and personal observations, and decide where we will have our best chance of seeing uncommon birds or higher avian activity. Perhaps we will have recent report of another Snowy Owl, reports of either of the Crossbills in nearby towns or reports of visiting Siskins or Redpolls at nearby feeders. With such information we will decide to go to these sites or other nearby sites with like habitat.

Those interested in participating in this outing should dress warmly and bring your walkie talkies and snacks and drinks.

Remember: all LHAS outings are open to the public and offer an inviting way to begin birding and meet others with similar interests.

Meet at: Singing Hills Walmart Supercenter


Going to: mystery destination!